Sponsorship & Donations

To request a sponsor form please email comeonthecoo@yahoo.co.uk
To make a donation please go to http://www.justgiving.com/comeonthecoo

Remember all expenses are being met by Allan and Gordon so 100% of your money raised will go to Cash for Kids

Saturday, 2 May 2009


Allan & I collected the Coo from Angus College on Wednesday and I must say it is superb, these guys have done a great job on it. The Courier was there to take a pic, but I must say the reporter hasn't seen it first hand and I don't think did their efforts justice in his article, this is a great effort and close up looks brilliant. It is getting closer now and I need to get Garmin out to see if it knows our route as we will probably get lost at some point. Our letters have gone out for donations and we are getting some good responses and they will get added to the site in due course. Not much else to add at this point, just getting quite excited about the whole thing. Oh yes there is a promotion day on at the hotel on the 17th of May for a Steak n a Shake. A complimentary Steak roll and milk shake and your chance to see the cow close up. Ok there will be donation buckets there as well but hey a free steak sandwich, come on.