So into the garage she went to get a check up, good luck there. Intresting day as The Brechin Advertiser wanting to do a feature and also the Evening Telegraph. The more intrest raised hopefully the more cash raised. If anyone on here wants a mention as this begins to hopefully take off then please email us at the address given below (about 3 blogs ago, keep up!). You may be able to offer us somehelp or even better some donations. Sorting out our donation and sponsor forms this weekend which can also be emailed to you. I will hopefully get some more knowledge of this blog as I go cause I will happily sell links and ad space for the charity. Remember every penny you donate to us goes to Cash for Kids. We are paying our own way, and beer. OK real job now so will probably not have an update till Monday or Tuesday. Think of ways to help or donate, and thanks again to Mackie Motors Brechin (I hope) for getting Angus the jeep finely tuned.
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