Hi, so many people to thank I am sure to miss out someone here, if I do then sorry but your help has not gone un-noticed just my brain has gone walk about. Also putting in a few pics here of the Steak n Shake day which was helped by superb weather. I even took my shirt off later on to reveal I had a red neck, as appose to the brass one I am normally accused of.
So firstly the thanks, Thank you to Lynda and her team at Radio Tay's Cash for Kids for allowing us to do this in their name, she has been so enthusiastic and helpful and encouraged us with everything we are doing (plus she is a lot better looking than Ali Brooks(I so hope he reads this blog)). Thanks also to everyone who has donated amounts large and small, every donation is helping and making this worth while, we have recieved a lot of donations offline and these companies haven't been able to leave a message, but I hope I will get my list and name them before we head off. If I can't please know it is because of being busy and not being ungrateful A huge thanks must go to Clark & Rose Removals for transporting the Coo down to the south of England and giving us a sporting chance. Micheal Beattie has arranged some strange things to be transported for me, bet he never thought I could top the 6ft Penguin he brought me 2yrs ago, I think I might have here. Thanks again anyway as this is a massive help. The Brechin Advertiser who have been giving us coverage and also STV who came and did a TV interview and shoot for the news. Billy at Whittons carpets for the carpet and of course Angus College again for the work on carpeting the car, a superb job. Bet they are worried as to what we decide next year ha ha, well we have 3days and 1000miles to think about it. One last thank you to David Swanston who stiched a tattie bag into a certain shape which will allow us to turn the coo into a bull if you know what I mean(see previous blog), not everyday u get asked for that i'm sure.
Hello Gordon, good luck with the trip, sounds like it will be a good laugh for a good cause, I'll get a couple of cases of wine delivered to the hotel that you can raffle off to add to your total, good luck, Paul Mullan, WaverleyTBS