Sponsorship & Donations
To make a donation please go to http://www.justgiving.com/comeonthecoo
Remember all expenses are being met by Allan and Gordon so 100% of your money raised will go to Cash for Kids
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
The Final Day
Oh god a good shower and space, superb. But no time to rest as we mucked around on the way here too much and the check-in time is 8pm at an Irish pub in Barcelona. We get a taxi there, now 4 of us as Anne and Suzanne have now flown over for a couple of days. We checked in and met a whole lot of happy people who had all made it (I think there were 5 teams who's cars didn't make it over). Allan and I were given our voting slip which was to decide the overall winner of the event, the criteria they were looking for was car, personality, helpful, basically entering into the spirit of things as the Bangers should be. Allan and I thought long and hard and it really could have been any of 6 that we had spent time with but we cast our vote. Later in the evening the results were announced and in the 3rd was Pope my Ride, 2nd was 4 Sheiks and the winner Comeonthecoo. Ha Ha, we had won the bloody thing. Not what we set out to do but gratefully and thankfully received. Angus college getting some credit as anyone who was just there for a quiet drive might have voted on car only credentials where I think we had an edge (plus a team of helpers who did it) although I still loved the Pope mobile, Lightening McQueen, and the Army Car. But what was nice was the amount of people who said to us afterwards that it was not all about the car and that Allan and I had been a right good laugh and they had enjoyed our company. Suzanne even confirmed this to me, well saying that I am ok in small doses but they don't have to live with me. Not sure what she meant, but Anne and her were tired so they headed off to the hotel and we stayed to do our final stint of being last from the bar. In this time there were noises of the cow coming home as it had been so reliable, the pope mentioned to Allan his wasn't a good drive, or a fast enough drive and would be willing to bring the cow home.
Nantes to Toulouse
As we headed down the road we were a little concerned as to the heat of our engine so decided to lift the bonnet and let it cool for 10mins, chatting with the other team we decided to get going and one of them kindly dropped our bonnet for us. 10miles down the road we were hotter than before and couldn't understand why but had better stop, really concerned we lifted the bonnet to find what can only be described as a cheese omelette cooked onto our engine the B******s, ok that was it game on! But Alan and I were laughing about it for a while down the road.
Now the driving entailed one of us hanging out the car flicking eggs at the other car as the driver tried to dodge their best efforts and if u got a good egg on the windscreen of their open top car it all swamped in and when the wipers went on it brought the rest in, we were also a bit faster uphill so could avoid them getting in front to much, but they got their fair share of hits on our car. In the passing we also took out The army car and Starsky and Hutch on the way, we were making a name for ourselves and having a laugh. Arriving into Toulouse we found a hotel only to discover it was the wrong one, still in convoy now of 4 we needed a little space behind us so Allan reversed into the Escort guys by accident obviously, which in turn made them slam into our considerably larger and more powerful Jeep. Allan then slipped reverse (again by mistake I am sure)moving them, Starsky and Hutch and also the Honda, good effort.
After dropping our stuff off and having a shower their was only one thing left to do before going for a drink, ammo. I went to spar of all places and purchased a load of eggs, yogurts, tomatoes, chocolate puddings, frozen fish fillets and a Black Forrest Gateaux. I took them to the cow to sit over night getting suitably warm and then took the fish fillets and managed to slide them between the lining and the cover of the Escorts soft top, also pouring some fish oil over the roof. Couple of 5.30am alarm calls made for their rooms and my work was done for the day.
We met at a pub called the melting pot and started chatting with most of the teams, some we had met and others this was our first meeting them, Allan had an adverse effect to a Yegermeister or something sounding like that and I am hoping to get copies of the pictures but apart from that it was a quiet night, well drinking and chatting plenty but no trickery, it seems the rules of that are to be only when with your banger. So after Allan had serenaded the bar with some buskers accordion we headed off for some rest before the final leg of our journey.
Calais to Nantes
Sat nav isn't charged and won't for some reason so this causes some concern but the roads seem well signed and we will not do to much that should hinder us today so I think. Going through a toll we spot another jeep cherokee with its bonnet up so we stop to offer help (not really thinking that we know sod all about cars) but they were just needing to cool the engine a little. Asked them their plans for lunch and they were heading into the next big town Caen, we said we were going to find a village on the beach before that and they said they would join us.
So our first convoy, 2 car all be it, Kim and Simon joined us for a quick lunch, well 2 bottles of wine and a nice starter maincourse sit down to be truthful. This was also driver change time so I got a glass, great! Off we set, next stop Nantes and started to belt down the road, Alan now in charge of navigation and photos, the navigation was going well but the wine had had an effect on his aim with the camera.
But a relatively straight forward drive down to Nantes and to be honest quite a quiet one with the challenge completed and a score of 155 on the camera (went for the free ball maximum break) we drove past the hotel to see others out greeting and cheering arrivals. We submitted our entry but were given a 147 break like the others and were entered into a tie-break question and alas we were a close 10 miles off guessing the organisers tripometer on his banger.
So up to the room and down to the bar, then out to find a pub in the city. We soon met in with 2 teams on the street and headed off to the nearest pub. There were about 5 or 6 other teams there and all said that it had been a nice but quite quiet drive down and they were wondering when the fun would start. Unfortunately as we went back to the hotel we found that the fun had started for some of the locals who had smashed in lightening Mcqueens window, spiked the radiator of the Thunderbirds Sherpa and were on top of my cow when Rich from the Army car disturbed them, so I got away lucky. Anyway we helped tidy up the cars a little and headed off to bed as another long day ahead tommorrow. Oh by the way, lovely countryside?.?
Friday, 22 May 2009
Camera Problems But Will Sort It
Much to our amazement everything went smoothly and we didn't even argue to much, and onward to the Channel Tunnel we set.
Ross my 4yr old decided to phone just as our trusted sat nav was instructing us on where to go, so missing the information took us into and through the centre of London!!! In fairness it was a laugh as the looks and the reactions on some folks faces was superb.
Missed our first train but without extra charge they let us jump on the next one and in to France the Coo went. Must say that drive of 140miles gave me great faith in the car, hopefully not misplaced.
We arrived at the hotel to see some of the other cars and start meeting the other competitors, have to say the car was going down well and there also some other very good ones.
So drop the bags off, toss a coin to see who gets the double bed and who gets the camp bed, I win, excellent.
Down to the pub and start with the other reason we are here, on route we meet two army folk dressed and asking if we were the cow folk, their response was to us when we said yes was to say "oh god we hear you can drink" Dick Dastardly had been telling tales from his stay at the hotel.
Anyway into the pub, skipped food (I could probably miss a meal or 2 and not do me any harm) not a good idea considering the rate we were about to indulge at the bar.
Started meeting folk and really enjoyed the crack in the pub, everyone seems to be like minded and here for fun and a good time, that was until I spotted a pool table and we decided to have a few games, not sure if the others were good, or the lack of food was telling on me but I won a few and lost a few as well but had a good good laugh. Alan as a partner was like being handicapped though and sitting listening to him singing in the car now , his pool is not much better. Anyway Alan headed off a bit earlier than me, lightweight I thought, nope you guessed it I slept on the campbed, cunning b*****d. Driving Day 1 now and will post tommorrow.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Big Thank You Time
Hi, so many people to thank I am sure to miss out someone here, if I do then sorry but your help has not gone un-noticed just my brain has gone walk about. Also putting in a few pics here of the Steak n Shake day which was helped by superb weather. I even took my shirt off later on to reveal I had a red neck, as appose to the brass one I am normally accused of.
So firstly the thanks, Thank you to Lynda and her team at Radio Tay's Cash for Kids for allowing us to do this in their name, she has been so enthusiastic and helpful and encouraged us with everything we are doing (plus she is a lot better looking than Ali Brooks(I so hope he reads this blog)). Thanks also to everyone who has donated amounts large and small, every donation is helping and making this worth while, we have recieved a lot of donations offline and these companies haven't been able to leave a message, but I hope I will get my list and name them before we head off. If I can't please know it is because of being busy and not being ungrateful A huge thanks must go to Clark & Rose Removals for transporting the Coo down to the south of England and giving us a sporting chance. Micheal Beattie has arranged some strange things to be transported for me, bet he never thought I could top the 6ft Penguin he brought me 2yrs ago, I think I might have here. Thanks again anyway as this is a massive help. The Brechin Advertiser who have been giving us coverage and also STV who came and did a TV interview and shoot for the news. Billy at Whittons carpets for the carpet and of course Angus College again for the work on carpeting the car, a superb job. Bet they are worried as to what we decide next year ha ha, well we have 3days and 1000miles to think about it. One last thank you to David Swanston who stiched a tattie bag into a certain shape which will allow us to turn the coo into a bull if you know what I mean(see previous blog), not everyday u get asked for that i'm sure.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Finishing Touches
Friday, 8 May 2009
Sponsorship Coming in Now & Making My Own T-Shirts

Saturday, 2 May 2009
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Getting Mooooooving Now
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Not much to say really

Saturday, 11 April 2009
Easter Break

Saturday, 4 April 2009
Showing the coo, and my team colours in one post
Friday, 3 April 2009
Oh My God, and he trusted these guys !?!
The Man Trusted With Decorating the Jeep
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
The Elusive Cow

Friday, 27 March 2009
The Hide has Arrived & been Delivered

The wedding that let this happen

Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Thanks to Dave on ebay

dalboy1000 (226)
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Member since 01-Jun-04 in United Kingdom
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom
Activity with dalboy1000 (last 90 days): I have bid on 0 items from dalboy1000Activity with dalboy1000 (last 90 days): dalboy1000 has bid on 0 of my items
Dear ****** , hi, am i right in thinking you are driving this jeep to spain to raise cash for kids,if this is te case i will post it to you for £0, give me a ring on 0781737****, cheers, dave
- dalboy1000
Click Reply in your email or reply using eBay's messaging system
How about that then!!! (The stars are so you don't get our personal info ok)
Monday, 23 March 2009
The weekend has past, but not without incident

Friday, 20 March 2009
Into get checked over

Tuesday, 17 March 2009
We have our car (Take 2)
Meet Angus
Contact and Content

Not All For Fun

Cash for Kids boasts a percentage rating of donation to cause in the 90's and for a charity of this size to manage that is outstanding. You also get to see where this money goes and you can get involved very easily with helping in so many ways. The easiest of which is the auction in October which always benifits from a bid or a donation.
Allan and I are meeting ALL of the expenses incurred for this trip ourselves so any donations made will be given in total to Cash for Kids Radio Tay
(although any beer donated will be consumed by us).
The Main Idea

Welcome to Barcelona Bangers
Barcelona Bangers is a holiday with a difference! Imagine driving from Calais, down through Brittany and on to historical Nantes, then down through western France past Bordeaux and on to Toulouse, then on the final day we drive through Andorra, over the Pyrenees, past the beautiful Montserrat mountain and on to Barcelona on the Costa Dorada, sound like fun? Then come and do it in a car worth less than £200...
So Allan and I saw this website and thought it sounded like fun, plenty discussion and vodka took place after this and we decided on out theme and a charity to raise money for.
We are decorating our car like a cow with the help of Angus College Art Department & Whittons Carpets Forfar. Mackie Motors Brechin are going to look over the car to give it every chance of making it (I hope Ham remembers all the times I let him beat me at pool) to Barcelona. So we dont break down before making it to France Micheal Beattie of Clark & Rose is arranging to transport the car (cow) down to England for us which is a great help as we would have looked really stupid not even getting out of the UK.
So a glorified waiter and butcher are off and running, even this blogging lark is new to me so excuse any mistakes, especially spelling. I plan to keep this updated with photos and videos of our progress from now and during the event (censored obviously).